Bhaisepati, Lalitpur, Nepal


Published : 29 Nov, 2023

Delegation of the European Union to Nepal Executed Earthquake Preparedness Simulation

In a strategic initiative to encourage disaster preparedness, the Delegation of the European Union to Nepal, with technical support from Earthquake Safety Solutions (ESS), executed a successful earthquake preparedness simulation on 28 November 2023. The simulation aimed to evaluate the delegation’s responsiveness to a seismic event and enhance coordination among emergency response teams. The drill covered alert activation, evacuation, headcounts, damage assessment, search, and rescue, first aid, and tent setup. The post-simulation debriefing, led by the incident commander, involved a thorough review and analysis, identifying areas for improvement. This proactive approach underscores the delegation’s commitment to staff and community safety, ensuring a well-prepared response to potential seismic events.